Union County Auditor Andrea L. Weaver
Parcel Number
Property Address
Owner Name
Advanced Search
Tax Rates
Data extracted from County files
10/10/2024 10:24:07 PM

Copyright © 2011-2024 Appraisal Research Corporation

NOTICE: NOTICE: ALL PROPERTY VALUE information reflects certified tax year 2023 FINAL VALUES and calendar year 2024 real estate taxes.

Search by Parcel Number
Enter numbers only. Do not enter dots or dashes or other special characters.

Parcel Number       

Helpful Hints:
  • Enter numbers only. Do not enter dots or dashes or other special characters.
  • Entering only the first few digits of a Parcel Number will still yield results.
  • The first two digits of a Parcel Number designate the tax district code. To retrieve all the parcels within a tax district, enter the tax district code. For example, enter "11" to show all the parcels in the DOVER TOWNSHIP - MARYSVILLE EVSD tax district.
  • Results are sorted by Parcel Number.
Search by Property Address
Do not enter prefixes, suffixes, or directions in Street Name.

Address Number       

Street Name       

Helpful Hints:
  • Do not enter prefixes, suffixes, or directions in Street Name.
  • Address Number must be exact. If you are not sure, leave Address Number blank.
  • Less is more when looking up a Street Name. For example, entering "Main" will show results for MAIN, MAIN ST, MAIN STREET, MAIN REAR ST, etc.
  • Results are sorted by Street Name and then by Address Number.
Search by Owner Name
Use the Last Name field when searching for a business.

Last Name       

First Name       

Helpful Hints:
  • Use the Last Name field when searching for a business.
  • Partial names are OK.
  • All primary owners found with the Last Name entered will be listed first followed by all other owners with matching names. For example: Entering "Bruce" in Last Name will order BRUCE DOLORES VIVIAN before ALLEMAN BRUCE & MONA LOU.

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